Potato salad with asparagus and estragon
29. May 2014

I do not know how you are, but I personally can truly enjoy the beginning of our farm season. Our climate and soil really have something to offer in the form of luxurious crops, full of colors, flavors and scents. As soon as I see asparagus and estragon in the agricultural markets, I think of this great potato salad. Especially thanks to these ingredients, it is my favorite. It is complemented by a slightly spicy and acidic dressing with capers. Perfectly suited to every table, especially where you need to have food at least partly prepared for the front, such as when you are in the barbeque.

Add potatoes and peel to a large saucepan with salted water, bring them to the boil and cook until they start to soften slightly. In the salad bowl, put the shallots cut into fine cubes, chopped capers, chopped estragon, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
Prepare asparagus. Wash it, take off the ends of the stems that could be hard or woody. Using a scraper, peel off the skin from the bottom of the stem.
When the potatoes have already started to soften, add the asparagus to them. Cook the next 2-3 minutes until the potatoes are finished. Asparagus should always be crunchy, very vivid to taste and deep green.
When the potatoes have already started to soften, add the asparagus to them. Cook the next 2-3 minutes until the potatoes are finished. Asparagus should always be crunchy, very vivid to taste and deep green.
Drip the potatoes together with the asparagus and drain a little. Ideally, immerse them for a while in an ice bath. Cut the asparagus on 2-3 cm long pieces, also potatoes to smaller pieces and put everything in the bowl for the prepared dressing. Mix everything lightly, depending on taste, pepper and serve lukewarm or chilled.