So, I add some bread spices. Somehow I missed it. This means that here below the original recipe finds ground caraway and coriander. And then I also add 2-3 topped buckets of rye juice. It has a flavoring value, not barking. So if you do not have a yeast, you can drop it, and if you have it, do not hesitate to add it, its taste will sharpen and are even more amazing. I prefer to use almond flour and change the seeds in different ways, replacing my current stocks. I enjoy a mixture called Breakfast of Inks, here in Bill, then I also give chi seeds, but I try to always keep sesame and sunflower seed for taste.
Authors of crayfish fight baking with honey and orange juice before baking. I have tried without a small piece of detail that is worth noting.
When you look at the composition, you will find that these crackers are really healthy, so just such recipes, which are healthy and yet tasty enough that everyone, including children, can knock them off is a valuable treasure. They are great on their own and in addition to Christmas they will be more useful for cheese and wine or for soup, for example.
So good taste and I'm glad to try them out and let me know then.
Crayfish with seeds, kissed with orange
19. November 2018

I knew the kitchen The Green Kitchen long before I decided to translate it, and the whole story about how it was, I published recently, so you can read it here . But you know that you have a cook at home, make some recipes, but you will never even try them. Well, thanks to the fact that I worked with the book and I have read it many times, I started to crack this time!
Then I cooked them again about 4 times the same week, as it happens to me when I enjoy something and it is extra good. : -D so I promised on Instagram to publish it on my blog with my minor modifications.

Preheat the oven to 150 ° C. Spread a quarter of the seeds for sprinkling and everything else, except for orange juice, then mix the honey with 220 ml of water with a spatula in a medium sized bowl. You should get a thinner batter. If it is a little sparse, add water. It evaporates during baking.
Cut the two 30 x 35 cm (30 x 35 cm) sheets into the baking paper and pour in the batter. Use a spatula to spread it as far as it will go.
Bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Meanwhile, try the orange juice with honey in a small bowl. Remove the plates from the oven, crack the crackers with honey juice and sprinkle the remaining seeds. Cut them into 5cm large pieces and bake for 30 minutes until crisp. Let them cool down on the wire mesh.