18. April 2012

The best ones are freshly made, hmmmm, a pity that tastes and experiences can not be easier to convey, because it is just a miracle, they are slightly crisp and melt on the tongue. That delicate crispness lasts for about an hour, but they are also wonderful, fluffy and can last for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. There is also nothing easier than freezing some of them because they can be consumed right after they are removed from the freezer. So the ideal when an unplanned visit arrives.
Even though it does not look like the length of the recipe, it's very easy and even fast, just trying to describe all the details and tricks that will give you the perfect result.

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and place a small pan at the bottom, which will later fill with water and serve as a humidifier.
Place water, butter, sugar in a medium pot and gently heat until the butter dissolves.
Boost the power of the stove, add the flour, a pinch of salt, and stir it quickly.
Remove from the stove and stir until a delicate paste that deviates from the sides of the pot is created. Then let cool for 10-15 minutes.
Gradually mix the eggs, one after the other, when the first one is thoroughly mixed and the dough is glossy and smooth.
Use a dough bag with a dough bag with a dough bag on the erased or baking paper. You will need 1-1.5 cm big balls, and as you increase your volume considerably, leave enough space between them. This amount of dough comes out on 2 full sheets.
Gently, with a water-drenched finger, rub the surface of each ball. This is to make the surface crunchy.
Put the baking tin in the oven and pour 1/2 cup of water quickly into the bottom-prepared baking dish before closing it and the resulting steam will help the dough grow. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes until it glows. Remove the plate, turn off the oven and puncture each ball with a spit or toothpick from the underside, put it back on the plate through the opening up and return to the off oven for another 5 minutes. This is because we have been drowning them from the inside from the hot air and helping them keep their fluffy shape.
For cream, whisk the whipped cream, or whisk together with the orange peel.
Chilled balls are filled with whipped cream using a decorative bag from the bottom, the dough is fragile, so it's very easy. (you can also cut them like windmills and fill with a spoon)
On topping, melt chocolate along with cream in the water bath.
(In the middle pot, bring the water to boil, pull the power down to a minimum, the water must not sprinkle, place a glass bowl on the pot, put the cream and chocolate on it, and then it will start to dissolve, so gently mix and finish.
Balls filled with whipped cream can now be dipped in a saucepan or arranged on a saucer with a spoon or a decorative sachet.