15. February 2012

This is a bit more time-consuming version of Naan bread, but it's all the more delicious. It's really simple, just a dough dough has to kick out, unlike Naan with a baking powder ..) The procedure is almost the same.

Mix all the ingredients and make a smooth, flexible and shiny dough (just keep the yeast away from salt). Add the water as needed so that the dough does not stick. Cover the bowl with food foil and let it warm in hot place - about 1 hour with fresh yeast.
Divid the dough into 5 pieces (the waist is about 15 cm in diameter), unfold the plaques of any shape, the traditional ones are in the form of tears, but for a few tens of kilometers, the habits in India change, so the number, that is the size of the placek is up to you. Sprinkle with chopped garlic and coriander, let the dough for 5-10 minutes rest.
Heat the oven to 170 ° C in grill mode, place the strong pan in the topmost position.
On the hot oven, transfer the future naan quickly and carefully, bake in the top position for about 1-2 minutes until the bubbles lightly bubble. Remove, brush with butter ...
My Tips:
1.If it gets caught a little, it's okay, in India the dough rolls on the walls of the hot furnace, and it's often too tangled, it's important that the sheet be hot. Everything will greatly facilitate the non-stick surface of the pan.