Vanilla sugar
11. December 2012

This recipe will suit you if you are one of those who just bake candy. Especially on vanilla ... But in my kitchen it's evergreen,).
I always make a couple of times because I do not want to mince the vanilla pods every time I make a couple of pancakes, muffins ... And what we're talking about is also financially demanding, so you always have quality vanilla sugar full of flavor at a very good price.

Cut the vanilla pod about 6 pieces, put the bottom of the pod completely and put the remaining portion with the sugar in a vitamix mixer or blender. If the pod is fresh, it will take a while, if it is tougher it will take a little longer, but in one to two minutes the result should be finished. Sugar turned into sugar beer powder full of seeds. For sure, squeeze the sugar over the fine sieve and put it in an airtight container. When sugar is softer, its flavor will intensify, but I use it right away.