Inspiration to Haloween
7. November 2012

Although there is nothing in these regions in Haloween, but if our kids can have extra pleasure, I'm sure to go! At least here in Prague, life becomes more and more cosmopolitan, there are many mixed or foreign families in nurseries and schools, and so on ... That also means that it will probably not sooner or later. And this is the case I will share with you this year's Greta mask, inspiring and guiding the pictures.
My friend Brennan invited us to the amazing baby Haloween party and showed us a bit of the tradition he's carrying. It was an amazing day full of games, surprises, decorating muffins, caring for sweets, beautiful decorations, painting on the pumpkin ... It was great! Thank you!
You need an old shirt with a long sleeve, about 1 m of fine tulle, a thin fillet in different colors, a melting gun, or feathers and an accessory gum.
And so I attach a few photos of what I brought to the host ... Unfortunately, the quality of the photos is not maximum, because there was no time and no light,). Roasted aubergine with tahini dressing , beet spreads, garlic-cheese spread and Gougères . Both spreads are of the same basil base, only add garlic parmesan and 1-2 cloves of garlic to the garlic and grate the beetroot in the oven. Season with salt, pepper and herbs to taste.