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Duck terrine

Duck terrine

As the fog and cold go down every day, my appetite for meat, the roast, the cabbage in all ways is growing. When I'm almost afraid that from me, over the summer almost vegetarian becomes an absolute carnivore! I suspect I will not be the only one, because not only my loved ones are watching the same symptoms. So I put my back on it ...
At the beginning of the recipe, I would perhaps just mention a few of the main principles, with the pate in the picture corresponding to my recipe below.
The more fat, the thicker the pâté, so you can even mate or lay lard, butter, bacon in the meat before baking. I used duck thighs including skin and fat, I added no more.
The structure is just for you ... The meat can only be chopped, blanketed 1x, or defeated 2 times and still processed in the cutter or robot with a knife. Also, the time to leave will help the meat not to fall.
Cooking and giving the meat time to marinating is very important. Alcohol paste really suits. You can use dessert wines, port, cognac, liqueurs, brandy, whiskey. Herbs such as thyme, sage, rosemary, ... Nuts are also great! Personally, almonds and pistachios win.
This is just an introduction, for those who go into the pâté for the first time to quickly orientate themselves, and now challenge the experienced pizzerias to share advice, tips and tricks with me and others who are lavish for great and proven gourmet experiences!

40 minut - 0 porce
Duck terrine Duck terrine


1. Drain the duck liver with cold water, peel off and soak in milk until cold on the next day.
2. Prepare a marinade of cognac, wine, thyme, bay leaf, nutmeg, juniper and bay leaf, season, pepper and chopped flesh including skin to let marinate in this leaven on the second day in the cold.
3. Cut the liver, add to the meat and let marinate together for another day.
4. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C along with a large pot (for example cast iron). Prepare enough boiling water. Remove the bay leaf and juniper from the marinade.
5. Fry the onion in oil, add half of the liver and reheat briefly on a medium heat. (The liver may still be pink inside.)
6. All the meat, the remaining liver, and the one with the onion, should be passed twice through a meat grinder. Mix the mix in the robot (can be a hand mixer) and gradually add the cream. Now taste it all and, if necessary, soak, dab and pepper.
7. Fill the form with this mixture (glass, cast iron, something to the roe deer, ...), fill the filling a little, close or cover with a hole with a small hole to escape steam and put in a pre-heated pot that you fill up to 2/3 of your height pate forms with boiling water.
8. Bake this way at 180 ° C for 1.5 hours. Remove from the water bath and lower the cold pâté and leave at least 12 hours in the fridge. (Use a layer of foil, aluminum foil or baking paper for loading, for example, a can or bean, rice, etc.)
9. Tradiáá, you can serve with fresh bread, sour sauce, fruit sauce or, for example, with cherry or cranberry marmalade.
