Roasted pumpkin with herbs
2. October 2012

For a long time, this very simple and great adjustment of the pumpkin has escaped, so I put it for you in the basic recipes, in case you're like it was me.
It's so simple, healthy, and kids love it (only in this case, I save more with pepper ...).
I also recommend it as an autumn warm starter with a piece of fresh bread or baguette with quality oil or served with butter.
10 minut

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
Pump the pumpkins out of the peeves, peel off the bark and cut into sympathetic shapes and sizes. (I recommend a strong 1 cm to 2.5 cm max.) Butter pumpkin I usually make French fries, round marigold pumpkins ...
Wipe the plate with oil and rub each piece of the pumpkin with a thin layer. Bake, pepper and bake on a plate placed in the center of the oven.
The pumpkin you see in the picture I bled 30 minutes, smaller pieces are enough for 20-25 minutes to gold. The result should be similar to French fries, golden and crunchy regions, soft and juicy.
The pumpkin you see in the picture I bled 30 minutes, smaller pieces are enough for 20-25 minutes to gold. The result should be similar to French fries, golden and crunchy regions, soft and juicy.
Serve hot sprinkled with fresh herbs. This time it was oregano, I also recommend fresh coriander or thyme.