Homemade walnut muesli
24. September 2012

Recently everywhere I read about the importance of nuts in our diet. Most of you probably read or know, but if you are interested, in short, it's mainly because they are the highest quality proteins, they contain unsaturated fatty acids and essential amino acids in the right amount and ratio. There are also many vitamins, minerals, calcium ... For vegetarians or people who do not want to eat meat every day to which I belong, they are ideal. Every kind of course has different formulations and effects, for example, almonds are recommended to soothe nerves because they contain a lot of magnesium, also improve the quality of hair, skin, nails. And so on, and so on ... What is important is that they must be fresh because they lose their valuable minerals quickly, after they have been sliced and sliced, and they are gurgling. So, almonds on slices, and walnuts from the supermarket are not ideal.
Another well-known fact is that you can have them with allergies, so take care when putting them in the baby's diet.
Because we often eat müsli and very often in purchased cereals feel yellowish pieces, I do not trust them too much. Also on the packaging, they are sweetened, for example, by acacia honey (or other healthy carbohydrate), but in the contents you will find that there is common sugar and acacia honey of 1.5%, and many other hussar pieces, so we make our own with Gréta. You can choose healthy fats (rape, linseed, pumpkin ...), fresh seeds and nuts you like (you can use chia seeds or almonds, pistachios, walnuts, macadam, para, my favorite pecan, ...), healthy carbohydrates agave syrup, honey, maple syrup, molasses ...). When I take the finished muesli out of the oven, for example, I add dried germs or bee pollen, so they do not bake with baking, but they will merge with the flakes until they are still warm. In short, fantasy is not the limit.)

Preheat oven to 165 ° C and unpack two large sheets of baking paper. In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Nuts chopped as you like it or fine slices.
Put all the ingredients on the marinade in a small pot and heat. It does not have to be cooked directly, it's just about linking all the ingredients together, dissolving the butter and creating a cream that makes the flakes crunchy, sweet, aromatic and very tasty.
Add the marinade to the dry mix, mix, divide into two sheets and evenly spread. There is no need to squeeze the flakes, let them be fluffy, they will be so much more crunchy and more crunchy.
Bake in gold for about 20-25 minutes, stir in the middle of the baking mix. Do not be afraid they are already golden and still seemingly soft and loose. After cooling, they become crunchy and stick in large pieces, which you find as much as you like them.