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Feta-dýňové muffins

The pumpkin season is here, so maybe this recipe for salty muffins may come in handy. It pleased me, nor did I expect such a success. The sweet salty taste of the pumpkin in combination with the fetus is great. I used gluten-free flour, so much I recommend for celiac disease. The original recipe is smooth flour, but I tried them out of wholemeal and also very good. Celiacs must be careful when buying ingredients and buy in this case mustard and baking powder, gluten-free. I add in the text in response to a nice commentary Helena's drink below.
I thought it might be a good substitute for dumplings, I think like an appendage to cabbage and roasted meat ... Otherwise, as a healthy wedding day for children, they certainly will not lose.
The original recipe comes from the book Martha goes green , but I discovered it for the first time adapted to the Heidy Swanson 101 cookbook blog.

35 minut - 12 porcí


1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and clear the form for 12 muffins.
2. Put the pumpkin on a large plate, 2 tablespoons of oil, salt, pepper, stir well, spread evenly the cubes and bake for about 15-20 minutes until the pumpkin is done inside and soft. Let it cool down.
3. Pour 2/3 of the baked pumpkin into a large bowl, add spinach, 2/3 feta cheese, herbs, sunflower seeds, Parmesan and mustard. Carefully mix the mixture. In the second smaller bowl, mix the eggs, milk and add to the pumpkin mixture. Spread the flour (sift it makes more fluffy, lump muffins), bake powder, salt, pepper, and mix briefly just to merge the dough but not to reprocess it.
4. Spoon fill the mass into the previously erased form on 12 muffins and sprinkle the remaining pumpkins and cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes until they are beaten and beautifully golden. Take it off for a while to grab it and move it to the grid.
