Feta-dýňové muffins
20. September 2012
The pumpkin season is here, so maybe this recipe for salty muffins may come in handy. It pleased me, nor did I expect such a success. The sweet salty taste of the pumpkin in combination with the fetus is great. I used gluten-free flour, so much I recommend for celiac disease. The original recipe is smooth flour, but I tried them out of wholemeal and also very good. Celiacs must be careful when buying ingredients and buy in this case mustard and baking powder, gluten-free. I add in the text in response to a nice commentary Helena's drink below.
I thought it might be a good substitute for dumplings, I think like an appendage to cabbage and roasted meat ... Otherwise, as a healthy wedding day for children, they certainly will not lose.
The original recipe comes from the book Martha goes green , but I discovered it for the first time adapted to the Heidy Swanson 101 cookbook blog.