Veal cheeks on white wine
19. March 2014

This calf's cheek was one of the first recipes I tried with sous vide . The cheeks are great and they are the theme of rather luxurious restaurants. There is even little to see at butchers. I have been lucky for several times in the SVĚČEK butcher on Štefánikova Street. It's a great butcher shop with nice people who like to do whatever they can. It even gives you ideas and inspiration to modify that particular piece. Meat is from organic or organic breeds and aged. He likes to buy you vacuum. Among other things, the ambience opens the new Meat Mask in Prague on Dlouhá Street. So if we can expect the same quality we get in their restaurants, there will be another great deal.
The cheeks require longer adjustments to properly curl, so it means turning around them quite a bit, which is not easy in today's hurried time. That's why the sous vide technique is perfect in this case, for her carelessness. The recipe includes preparing meat along with shallots and carrots. As a supplement, the potato mash is great. I chose potato mash with peas. Potatoes are also prepared by sous vide, they have a fuller taste and preserve the maximum of vitamins. (30-120 minutes at 83 ° C). Then she gouged and mixed with crushed peas on warm butter and a little cream.
On the photos of the preparation, you can notice shi-take hub, it's an optional ingredient, you can add them together with your cheeks to other raw materials. It can also be used to change the mushroom.

The cheeses generally have a lot of collagen, so they should be treated at a relatively high temperature even in the spa baths, ie 82 ° C for 8-9 hours.
Preheat your sous vide bath to 82 ° C. Wash the cheeks and remove the fatty layer or cartilage from their surface. The center of the cheeks also penetrates the white part, but do not remove it here, the heat dissolves completely.
Wipe the face, gently squeeze, soak the finely chopped garlic and put it in the single-layer rolling bags. You can pack two or more bags or one larger. Add a bay leaf, cloves, thyme and olive oil. Vacuum them and put them in the spa for 8 hours.
When your cheeks are done, you can cool them off in a cold bath and put them in the fridge for a few days until you want to serve them. Or just take out and proceed.
Set your video to 80 ° C. Peel the shallots and the carrots. Put the whole of the shallots in one bag, lightly salt, dip with olive oil, vacuum. Put the carrot in the second bag with two tablespoons of butter, soak it and vacuum it. Put the two sachets in the hip, take the shallots after 30 minutes, and the carrots after one hour.
When the shallots are finished, you can start to warm up in the SV along with carrots and cheeks if it has been stored in the refrigerator. In the large pan, dissolve the remaining butter, add the bacon sliced into small cubes and fry it. Add the shallots and rest in gold. Add the wine, balzamico and allow a few minutes to reduce until the sauce starts to pull. Add your cheeks including everything that's in their bag. Fold the lid partially and allow it to stretch for approximately 20 minutes. The cheeks become so hot and the juice is slightly reduced. A beautifully dropped sauce is created. Taste it if you need to taste and serve.
Put a side dish on a plate, a few sluts, cheeks, carrots, and add the remaining sauce that you have overcooked and get rid of whole spices.