Turkey baked on estragon and apples
25. October 2012

A somewhat unusual combination of fruit, white wine and estragon, which creates a chutney around the meat roast. I like sweet-sour combinations, so something on this way is my favorite.
That's why it's here! I'm not going to serve turkey on caraway or garlic ... Not that it's not good, it's a super classic, I just suppose according to your comments and emails that I will not get your taste buds too.)
As a supplement to the liver, I recommend something more moderate, such as steamed rice, quinoi or a piece of it.
15 minut

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
Put onions, apples, celery, garlic, and plums in a pot or pot with a lid. Wash the meat, salt, pepper, season with estragon and put in the baking pan to the other ingredients, add wine to the top and place two slices of butter on top of the meat.
Bake at 200 ° C for approx. 35-45 minutes, then check the meat if it appears to be getting hot, lower the temperature to 180 ° C, and bake without gold for another 15 minutes. I had a smaller bit but the size of the roast may vary greatly so you have to evaluate the baking time yourself.