Chestnut soup
3. February 2014

It is a pity that we do not cook with chestnut as much as most of our closest European neighbors. But I'll try to make a little bit of it right now and write one of my favorite recipes. You may also catch.
In the cold season, it's exactly the soup I need to warm me up on my body and soul. Just like a mulled wine, she has her own time.
I use bouquet garni in the recipe, you probably all know this expression, I would not like to teach someone a bit. But I know that young beginners also come here, so ..) It is a typical French herb that is used in sauces, baking and broths. It is practical because it is easy to remove it from broth, for example, before mixing creamy soups or before serving. Often, the herbs bind to a soft cloth or gauze. And because there is a cloves in the recipe for chestnut soup, you will be able to throw a piece of gauze and string.
I've also prepared a way for you to prepare your chestnut puree, you can find it here .

In a larger pot, gently cut the shallots into the soft soap. Add the cleaned and minced carrot and celery celery to smaller pieces. Cover with a lid and let it dry for approximately 10 minutes.
Pour the vegetable with the cream and add the bouquet garni. Under the lid, gently cook for 20 minutes. Remove the bouquet garni and add the chestnut purée. Let's cook for another 3 minutes.
Mix everything with a stick mixer or processor, add port wine and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with sweet cream and wholegrain croutons.