Autumn salad with plums
28. September 2012

Thank you very much to one of you who sent me this recipe a few days ago. I was very attracted to it and because I had all the ingredients in my home at home, I did not wait for it for a long time. It's great! The combination of sweet plums, spicy garlic and fresh salad is literally gourmet! Yum! Well, I'll have more reason to enjoy plum season each year. Thank you Peteo J.!
If you have something to share, just write the recipe in a comment, because not always, I will have time to try everything, process and shoot so fast that the season will not run between the fingers, so others can inspire before I can handle it. Anyway, thank you all for beautiful emails, recipes and support!
One more idea for a recipe, use instead of salt a spoon of miso paste, so you can make it even healthier.

Salt the dressing with dressing, mix well and sprinkle the seeds.