About Ingredients
Curcuma contains curcumin, which is known as a powerful antioxidant. Curcuma has antibacterial effects and stimulates adrenal function. It supports the immune system and relieves cough. In Asian countries, it has been used as a medicine for centuries, but has gradually become popular in the rest of the world for its universal healing effects.
Cayenne pepper acts against colds, flu, viruses and molds. It promotes digestion, reduces joint pain and works against migraine and mucus formation. Cayenne pepper and generally other chilli peppers are healthy for the heart and protect against civilization illness for a long time. And last but not least, as everyone knows, they release loose nose.
Black pepper or Cayenne pepper intensify the effects of the above herbs.
Honey has a unique feature of being able to fight infection at many levels, where it is very difficult for bacteria to create resistance. It uses a combination of weapons, including hydrogen peroxide, acidity, osmotic effect, high sugar concentration and polyphenols - all of which actively kill bacterial cells. The osmotic effect resulting from the high concentration of sugar in honey draws water from the bacterial cells, dehydrates them and destroys them.
They belong to the most durable foods that can kill almost all types of bacteria.
Honey, for example, is antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal. But in general it is good to use any good honey. Be careful not to compromise its valuable ingredients to avoid too much temperature. Therefore, add it to milk or tea only after light cooling.
Cinnamon is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world and is certainly a super food. Did you know that a teaspoon of raw honey and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon usually heals the cold within one or two days?
Gold Milk - Homemade Pharmacy
11. January 2017

During the winter we did not miss out on various colds and viruses. We did not even go to hot regions as we usually fly around Christmas, so I had at least the opportunity to refresh various babys councils, family recipes, and warm landscapes, too, and I bring a recipe for at least the home medicine that one of the great Balinézanka taught me. I am a great advocate of natural healing and I believe that the nature around us provides us with a huge amount of medicinal substances in commonly available crops. So when the flu comes back, try one of these recipes. I believe you will be surprised at their immediate and powerful effects.
This article, instead of an article about exotic Thai cuisine, was prepared for the January edition of Marie Claire, and I attach pdf as well. )
If you read the effects of the ingredients listed below, there is no need to explain why milk is good. In addition to having anti-inflammatory, antiviral and relaxing effects, it supports mainly coughing! Do not forget to drink and inhale these hot potions.
Gold milk is also very good, so young children welcome it.

Heat the milk in the pot with spices, butter and boil for a short time. Sweeten the milk into a glass and add some honey once it has cooled down.