At the first point of the procedure, you have all the options to prepare the beet to preserve the maximum of vitamins and flavor. So if you do not have a steam oven, you will know how to do it.) If you want to look at the above mentioned cookbook, you can find it on baking steam .) Beautiful autumn to everyone !!!
Beet soup served with smoked trout, cream and dill
6. October 2016

A few months ago, before the birth of our youngest, I photographed a new electrolux cookbook and besides the fact that I photographed and decorated meals, I also contributed two recipes. I would be sorry if I could not just have this recipe put on the blog for you because it is definitely worth trying! Beet soup is quite common. You may not want to taste each other, but if you put it on a strong beef broth and still cling to a cake, it could please even the demanding boarder. I did it within ten days twice. This soup is served with smoked trout, sour cream and dill, which is a very interesting and pleasant symphony of tastes that tastes even for our children. In addition, it belongs to the category of entertaining dishes, the fact that the beet is healthy, it is probably not even necessary to speak. And why fun? Our children are enjoying her satin red color, Ruben is cheerful of bloody lips and chin and I think she might just taste it for her!

Wash the beet and put it in the oven on a perforated plate. We cook in steam cooking mode at 99 ° C for about 60 minutes depending on the size of the beet. If you do not have a steam oven, you can wrap the beet in the alobalu (whole, not scraped) and bake at 200 ° C into soft so that the beet size can take 45 to 90 minutes. The third option can be sous vid treatment of beet, which also preserves the maximum taste and vitamins. (Sous vide adjustment of 85 ° C and 60 minutes.)
Meanwhile, clean and cut the shallots on the cubes. Bind to a piece of cloth or muslin of thyme, bay leaves and cloves.
Once the beets are ready and soft, clean and chop them into a medium pot, add a bundle of herbs, chopped shallot, broth, sweet cream, a teaspoon of salt, and boil a little soup. Approximately 10 minutes.
Sweeten the sour cream thoroughly, add chopped dill to your taste and mix. Have a couple of chopsticks on the décor.
Place the smoked fish fillets on the perforated plate and heat it to the preheated oven to a steam cooking mode of 95 ° C for 2 minutes. In a regular oven, use a few drops of water and grille the fish gently. The third option is on the steamer.
Remove the spice bundle from the soup and mix the remaining contents with a smooth cream. Season the soup again with salt if necessary. At the end, divide the fish fillet for six servings and serve creamy soup with spoonful dill cream and smoked trout decorated with fresh dill.