Just add that the recipe is the last recipe I prepared for this year's Minerva Olive Oil event.
Buckwheat with asparagus, pike and estragon
24. May 2016

I have another seasonal asparagus recipe for you. It's my favorite combination with estragon dressing, and then there's also a bit about how to incorporate more buckwheat into our diet. The recipe on buckwheat buckwheat with oyster mushroom on white wine has taken over and you often tell me that you enjoyed it very much, so I hope you will enjoy it in this cleaner way too. I think with buckwheat it's mostly about habit. But if you can not just try it out, try a quino , by the way, we have it in the store now in economic and practical packaging in Bio quality . Of course, spring potatoes do not spoil anything.

Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Start the hot water first with hot water, drain it well and put it in a pot. Briefly, just dry it dry to let it dry and hot. We do this to keep it nicely compact, stronger and not cooked after cooking. You can now lightly soak it, dip twice with hot water or broth (650 ml) and gently cook for about 3-5 minutes. Then turn off the power and let the so-called "under the blanket" take 15-20 minutes. If you have a pot made of thicker material, you do not have to put it under the duvet, of course, and just leave it covered with a lid, the buckwheat will be beautiful and will conserve more vitamins.
Once the oven is hot, bake slightly salted pike or trout fillets into it, which you put your skin down into a greased, greasy, baking pan. Bake for about 15 - 20 minutes. I like when the meat is still full of juice and it's usually 15 minutes.
Prepare estragon dressing. Mix the shallots, estragon, olive oil, lemon juice, lemon peel, (chopped capers), freshly ground pepper to taste and 3/4 teaspoon of sea salt.
Clean the asparagus and cut into approximately 3 cm long pieces. I cut off the ends and using a scraper and skin from the bottom of the stems in green asparagus, in white it is better to remove the skin from the entire stem, which may be more fibrous. It is commonly recommended to cook green asparagus for 3 minutes and white 5, but in these cases I cook for about 4 minutes in boiling and strongly salted water. Once finished, you can immediately serve.
Put the buckwheat on the plate with asparagus, fish fillet and dip with enough estragon dresinku. Decorate with a sprig of fresh estragon and golden sliced slices of almonds.