I'll give you a hand today how to turn those pods into that amazing tamarind puree, which may make you like me, go to some of those sous vide chestnuts, duck breasts, a beef throat or maybe a bunch to get it all together try it out and create the awesome cuckoo with it.)
You can only prepare puree puree, a pure pulp that you cook in a glass or freeze. This paste has the advantage that you can flavor the resulting sauce in different directions. For example Indian and make chutney using garam masala spices, Roman cumin, ground ginger, ... Or use ginger, brown sauce or Chinese mixture of five spices and go in the direction of Chinese or East Asian, ... In Thailand, tamarind sauce is used to Pad thai noodles that I love.
Or, make this tamarind concentrate straight to your liking and add more spices. You can pour in a pot of pudding to a fennel, a sliced ginger root, 5 spices (star anise, garlic, sechuan pepper, fennel, cinnamon), shallots, garlic, lemon grass, fish sauce, dark soy sauce, shao sing, wine or other dessert wine or garam masala ... Of course not all the tastes at once, it's just a suggestion of what directions to make in the seasoning. Then you just have to pass through, cook in a glass or freeze in the ice cube and add a little of this paste to a sauce or meat dish, and slightly reduce it to the desired consistency and texture.
If you are not sure how much and what spice you use, do the basic paste yet and in other recipes I will lead you. The basic paste has such a wide range of uses, but I will never resist to it just add star anise, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and shao-sing (rice wine for cooking).
Tamarind paste
9. June 2015

All Asian cuisine lovers have already tasted or at least heard of a sweet tamarind sauce, which is actually not so sweet. It is rather sour, but together with some other ingredients, it creates an amazing harmony of flavor. Sauces prepared from the flesh of these fruits are simply irresistible! Tamarind pods have a fairly long shelf life, so there is no problem importing them into Europe, so you can find a box full of brown pods quite often especially with Vietnamese greengrocer. These pods, originating from Africa, grow on huge trees, like manga, in all tropical countries.

Thaw the tamarind pod slightly and take the pulp together with the shells that are hidden in it (they are similar in size to the cherry pears, they are only shiny). Discard the rest of the pod. Of the 450 g of pods I kept 325 g of pulp. Put it in a pot with 250 ml of water and drain under the lid for about half an hour. Stir sometimes and, if necessary, add some water. You can also use a pressure cooker. Now is also a good time to add some spices to the flavor paste, as mentioned in the introductory text.
Thoroughly grind this mixture to leave only a few fiber and stones. In the final section, you can remove the flesh with peanuts from the pasting mill or a fine strainer that can be used for pasting, then dilute it with hot water and then return it to the pastry machine again. You will be able to get the most out of it. Remove the remaining stones and pulp and return the paste to the pot, boil for a short time, add sugar and store in a sterilized glass or freeze.