"Oatmeal has an extraordinary position because it contains more than 100 times more phospholipids than other foods. Bananas, soybeans and barley grains are approaching their composition. Oatmeal is exceptionally rich in fiber, especially so-called beta-glucan - water-soluble fiber. In addition, oats contain amino acids that do not differ in their composition from the amino acids of human muscles. "
"It turns out that most of the lactobacilli from plants and animals is worthless in the human gut. Proof of this may be yoghurt - it can not be shown that the lactobacilli contained therein are healthy for the human organism. "
"Our diet based on the oatmeal flakes contains more than 100 times the lactobacilli compared to the best yoghurts."
We all know that lactobacilli are essential for our organism. They are concerned with fermenting fiber and producing nutrients, eliminating poisons and poisons, stimulating immunity, and working with a number of potentially pathogenic microorganisms. In the above-mentioned article they prepared a special diet based on fermented oat flakes that enriched the spectrum of lactobacilli, which confirmed their positive effect on our digestive tract. This fermented oatmeal is a true immune system booster. Still, we can try something like this. Our slurry will not have such an extreme composition, but it will be so enormous. Thanks to soaking, it becomes more digestible and our body will be able to use the maximum content of the substance. I ordered the shop a book which is called The strength of natural fermentation . It is a book that teaches us to return to nature. In addition to the educational section, there are many recipes for pastry, vegetable picking, home-made cheese and many more, so it is definitely worth your attention.
Oat fermented slurry
17. February 2015

Recently, one nice woman sent me an article on fermented porridge and its incredibly beneficial effects on the digestive tract. The article was professional and concerned patients before and after surgery. It has been found that diet based on fermented flakes has an incredibly or perhaps incredibly beneficial effect on our digestive tract. For centuries, oats have been one of the basic elements of our nutrition. I include snippets from the article and for whoever wants to start the whole article .

If you want to prepare a slice for breakfast, take the flakes in the bowl in the evening and pour them with lukewarm water so they are soaked. Fermentation of oatmeal should ideally last from 8 to 12 hours. Probably you will need a little less water. At this moment I add a pinch of cinnamon and dried fruit. Plate the plate with a plate and allow to ferment at room temperature.
In the morning, you just have to serve the slurry with what you like and enjoy your eye.) It's nice to warm it in the winter months, but be careful not to ruin most of the much-needed lactobacilli with high temperature. Heat it only to be a little warmer than body temperature. Oatmeal, thanks to soaking, begins to digest carbohydrates, get a sweeter flavor, and someone does not even have to taste it. I'd like to add a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla, dried fruit and served a little honey or maple syrup.
Finally, sprinkle with fresh fruit and sliced nuts to suit your taste. The whole slurry is beautifully bloody, giving juice a pleasantly crunchy texture.