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Poppy or waffle

Poppy or waffle

At home, the waffles or pancakes are very popular for breakfast, so I'm trying to make every effort to make them healthier. So it happened that the poppy was popping into my kitchen and the poppy version of our beloved pancakes. One of the main reasons that made me use the poppy was its nutritional value. Poppy contains a great deal of vitamins and especially calcium, which I somehow intuitively felt we need to supplement it. Last but not least, the poppy is both tastefully and aesthetically interesting.

I would also like to explain why I created a gluten-free and vegan variant with this recipe. More recently, more than ever, I have many questions about cooking without gluten, without lactose, without eggs, ... Many people have more and more dietary restrictions. In addition, a few days ago, I received a message from my good friend Petra that her young son was advised to observe all possible nutritional restrictions for several more months. That's why this recipe is dedicated to Štěpánka, who can not now graze, eggs, dairy products ... Perhaps they will taste it. :)
And I would just add to the recipe that the poppy is ideal to store the whole, preferably in the refrigerator, and to put only the necessary amount, because after the disturbance, all the valuable substances quickly disappear. Any blender will be great for the milling.
In the vegan version is herbal milk, so you can choose what you use, whether almond, oat, soy, cannabis, rice, ... Recipe for homemade almonds you can find here .)
Also in this vegan version you will find a lemon juice that pleasantly acidifies the dough, then it is a bit more similar to the leavened, but this ingredient is optional and optional. The buckwheat version is kefir, which adds a sour taste.
Yeah and I almost forgot the news! If everything is right, you should cover your photo! Moving? And do you like it? These are my first attempts, so please be lenient, it will surely be better for me, it still needs a lot of training.)

To conclude, I would like to add some information about the poppy . I will try to enrich my recipes with interesting information in the future. As I mentioned, poppy seeds are a significant source of calcium , which is much more contained than dairy products, and are therefore very important for maintaining the health of our bones and teeth, helping to prevent tooth decay and osteoporosis. It is also great for young children or pregnant and nursing women . Poppy also has a beneficial effect on our nervous system , helping to improve our memory, for example. Last but not least, I must not forget the rich representation of the vitamins and minerals that are contained in the poppy. This applies primarily to potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin E. Thanks to the rich content of vitamins and minerals, it has miraculous effects on the quality of our skin, hair and nails . In the form of poppy oil, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are suitable for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Macaque oil has a soothing effect and is used in aromatherapy as a basic oil massage, for example, in the evening for children to drink. Milk can also be made from poppy seed, which is base-forming and thus acts against the over-acidification of the organism.

10 minut - 4 porce
Poppy or waffle Poppy or waffle


1. Gluten-Free Dough

Mix the buckwheat, gluten-free mixture or corn starch, baking powder, soda, salt and mix everything, ideally squeeze. The flour will be aerated and the result will be brighter. In the second bowl, mix kefir, water, eggs, syrup or honey, vanilla, lemon peel and poppy. Now you can mix both mixes, but mix only briefly, try not to process the dough, the structure will greatly benefit.

2. Vegan gluten-free dough

Mix the buckwheat, gluten-free mixture or corn starch, baking powder, soda, salt and mix everything, ideally squeeze. The flour will be aerated and the result will be brighter. In the second bowl, crush the banana, mix it with vegetable milk, syrup or honey, vanilla, lemon peel, lemon juice and poppy seed. You can make this mix with a blender, so you can mix it smoothly. Now you can mix both mixes, but mix only briefly, try not to process the dough, the structure will greatly benefit.


Now you have to cook your waffles or pancakes. Turn on the fan and warm it to the highest temperature. When the hotplates are heated, lightly grease them with grease. It is best for me to use a spraying spray for its high-fat content that burns at high temperatures and also for its practicality, but you can also use a feather and a little bit of quality oil, butter or lard.) Or take a flutter or pan and in the traditional way prepare pancakes.
Serving is already on you and on all your dietary needs. These were cherries, whipped cream and chocolate topping.

Poppy or waffle
Poppy or waffle
Poppy or waffle
Poppy or waffle