Plum crumble
21. August 2012

I love easy and tasty recipes and this crumbl or crumbl is definitely one of them ... You can vary the ingredients to spice, nuts, flakes, etc. Also, there is nothing easier than adding 2, 3 tablespoons of chia seeds or sunflower, pumpkin , ... and make a relatively healthier recipe even healthier.
Ideal is a smaller cake baking mold (about 22 cm) or one-sided, which I used.
Serve hot, but even after cooling it is great!

1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Wipe the mold or baking pan with butter or oil.
2. Cut the plums into halves or quarters and mix well in the middle bowl with the other ingredients for the filling.
3. In the second larger bowl, mix all the ingredients on the dough and mix the toes as a dough.
4. Fill the form or baking tin with the plum mix, sprinkle evenly with a dough that you eat in order to make it airy and crisp and baked after baking.
5. Bake for 20-25 minutes.