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Moroccan vegetable secrets

Moroccan vegetable secrets

Tajine is a dish prepared in one typical Morocco pot called the Tajine, which has a high conical lid that ensures the instantaneous flow of evaporating and collapsing liquids. It does not matter whether it is a mass meal or a vegetable. In essence, it is a long, slow-blowing process, where the most delicious juice is preserved. But do not worry, you can handle everything in any other quality pot with lid.
There is no traveler's story about this recipe, but rather romantic.
It was our favorite husband and you could have ordered in today's unfortunate authentic Arab restaurant Dahab, where we spent the first few months on almost every date.) At that time I was trying to imitate the local chef, but it took time and it more than 6 years. The spice is definitely the key, I still missed Roman caraway. Otherwise I think you can improvise differently, but without chickpeas it is not it.) Here you can prepare the day before and from the dried. (water and cook) Also, tomatoes sometimes use a fresh place to be picked up and some baking and peeling do not worry too much, I add them to the pot halfway and after a while the skin separates and I take it with a fork. Also, in some recipes, you can come across peppers, pumpkins, potatoes, and almost any kind of vegetables, so try it for the first time as it is below and later improvise. As an annexe in Dahab served couscous, home mostly I prepare quinu , bulgur or needles . Add lambs sausages or chopsticks to carnivores.

40 minut - 6 porcí
Moroccan vegetable secrets Moroccan vegetable secrets


1. Prepare vegetables. It is preferable to leave the carrots on larger pieces, so they will become more and more firm and will not be quickly cracked. So I cut it halfway across and across. Cucumber and eggplant cut into pieces about 2 cm large.
2. On a moderately heated deeper pan or larger pot, fry the onion, stir and fry until the color changes. Add garlic, all spices and fry for a few more minutes while stirring.
3. Add courgettes, carrots, eggplant and fry, turn for a few more minutes. After 2-4 minutes add tomatoes, broth, chickpeas, dessert and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, pull to a minimum, and let it bubbulate until the vegetables are as soft as you like, about 15 minutes. I prefer that the vegetables should still be colored and the carrots are still solid and full of taste on the bite.

Moroccan vegetable secrets