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Tuna tartar

Tuna tartar

I wanted to expand the recipe category to small single-food meals that can be served with an appetizer as a little appetizer that will not be so sweet but on the other hand with a glass of bubbles will prepare your taste buds and even more. I really like the French tradition, which is before the dinner with friends to meet a small aperitif. In addition, after the aperitif, I like the pleasant feeling of hunger in the stomach before a person sits down to the table. Tuna Tartar seems perfectly ideal. It is fresh, light and full of flavor. Just make really small pieces, just for a spoon.)

Together with my friends, a young couple from the blog, we visit such a pleasant "gastro ring", which is organized by Lukáš Hejlík. There will be all good food enthusiasts, other bloggers, editors, and editor-designers from various food magazines, ... and each of us will prepare one of the tasting portions of a theme for everyone. It's always great fun, for me full of relaxation when cooking, every other place and someone new.) But why do I write about it? Besides being interesting, a few months ago it was the theme of Thai cuisine. I prepared a mango-papaya salad with coriander, mint, fried onion and cashew . All the courses were one great good! Our family friend Luboš Rychvalský, a great chef and owner of the already defunct restaurant Dahab, also made a great tuna-like tartar that was very similar to this. In addition, Lubos uncooked the uncooked jasmine rice along with camphor leaves, lemon grass, and god knows what else the fragrant, then cut the fine and delicate rice in the thermomix to the finely crunchy and fragrant granules that blended into the tartar. He dressed it on thin slices of chopped sugar peas. It was great!

15 minut - porce
Tuna tartar Tuna tartar



In a small bowl, prepare finely chopped shallot, sesame oil, finely grated ginger, soy sauce, fish sauce, chili and mix.


Using a sharp knife, cut the tuna on the fine little cubes. Add the meat to the already prepared mixture. Prepare serving. I like the slices of thin slices of cucumber as seen on the video that add fresh flavor, but you can also choose small leaves from the center of the salad. A small Roman salad is ideal, or if you love a chicory whose leaves resemble a boat, it is also great. Or just a spoon and decoration.


When you have everything prepared, add the finely chopped fresh coriander and lime or lemon juice to the tuna mix. Tartar can taste, it's usually not necessary to solitate thanks to soybean, but it depends on you.) We add the coriander to the end, to keep its fresh taste and color and lemon or lime to keep the tuna meat still nice color. Citric acid changes the color of the meat over time and is no longer so nice and attractive, but rather gray, so that everything is perfect when serving.)


Place the shaping ring or cutter mold on the cucumber dough and fill with tartar, gently straighten and do not push too much to avoid unnecessary juice. Carefully push the groom and add the seeds with sesame seeds, avocado or spring onions.

Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar
Tuna tartar