If the rye bread is really wholemeal and the flour is of good quality ...
The bread has a low glycemic index and the intake of carbohydrates from such bread is almost half that of whole wheat bread. It contains many more vitamins, minerals (potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, fluorine) and fiber , which are much more digestible thanks to natural fermentation and therefore also more usable for our organism . The fermentation process of rye flour by yeast and bacteria produces lactic acid, acetic acid and carbon dioxide. These substances naturally preserve, and therefore the bread lasts longer fresh and free from mold . The substances contained in such bread strengthens our microflora and thus the immune system . Rye was previously valued for its curative effects, and perhaps because it has the ability to clean the intestinal walls, thereby improving the function of removing toxic substances from the body . Overall, it improves digestion and eliminates constipation , which is also essentially a part of civilization diseases. Whole wheat rye bread contains almost no gluten . Ritten gluten that is in it is called sekanin (which is easily digestible due to fiber) and, unlike wheat gluten, gliadin does not form mucus in the intestines, which is responsible for another series of chain reactions that lead to civilization diseases. In addition, it promotes healthy weight loss because it does not contribute to fat storage and has a low caloric value. It is ideal for people with a reduction diet, suffering from poor digestion, constipation, pancreatic disease, high cholesterol and diabetics (low glycemic index).
In the introduction, I have touched a bit on the quality and the whole grain of flour . This is a topic in itself, but it is good that at least you know that after grinding, the grain quickly loses valuable substances, it is yellowish, and so it is important for it to be freshly ground. The old grain is again moldy, and so this flour is, on the contrary, detrimental to health, like anything moldy. If you are going to think seriously about baking bread, maybe you will use a homemade flour mill , I have owned it for almost 10 years and there is no freshly ground flour.)
Finally, I would just like to add that such 100% rye bread is almost impossible to get in the food . If you look closer to the composition of so-called "rye" bread, you will find that it is not so risky by far. You could have a good time in a healthy diet store, or start baking your own. After the first experience, when you acquire the process, everything will go much better and smoother. Essentially, it is not demanding for active time, rather it just wants to find a rhythm when you always mix only a few basic ingredients.
I have enriched the recipe for sunflower seeds, which again only add healthy fats, valuable ingredients and a nutty flavor.
So now you know why this bread and no less a recipe for me is a real treasure.
Whole wheat rye bread from yeast
30. March 2016

Really good rye bread is like salt over gold. Such bread can be appreciated not only because it tastes great and, in conjunction with butter, a pinch of salt and fresh radish germ, radish or other vegetables, is simply a harmony of taste on the tongue, but also because its influence on our health is not quantifiable compared to wheat bread and, in particular, non-baked bread. Just remember that most of our immunity is formed in the intestines and if you know the following facts, there is nothing to add.)

Approximately 12 hours in advance prepare the "first" yeast by mixing two egg yolks, 100 g rye flour, 100 g water. Allow the mixture to ferment at room temperature in a sufficiently large container so that the leaven is not running anywhere and covered, for example, with a plate or foil. I do this step either in the morning or in the evening.
When the yeast is complete, remove from it with a spoon and mix the rest with 240 g of water, 310 g of whole wheat rye flour. Spoon the first yeast from the first yeast and mix the ingredients with the second leaven, 50 grams of whole wheat flour, 50 grams of water. Allow both mixes to mature in the same way for at least 12 hours, if they mature longer, the dough will have a more sour taste, which is nice.
After at least 12 hours of ripening, remove the spoonful of yeast from the smaller batter for the next baking and the remainder, that is 100 g of the second leaven, mix with 480 g of water. Gradually mix this mixture in front of the dough, gradually add all remaining ingredients except salt (ie 510 g rye bread, sunflower seeds, honey, caraway, coriander) and mix briefly using a robot or manually. Finally add salt and let the dough ripen for one hour with a cloth.
Spread the battered dough evenly into two spray- dried bread forms (such as these ), do not let it fall apart, just divide it and slightly align it. Sprinkle the entire surface with sunflower seeds and let the last time partially breed. At this time, the dough is already active enough, and it may take only half an hour or even 1.5 hours, depending on the temperature of the environment and your kneeling. For me this time has never exceeded an hour. Heat the oven to 250 ° C and as soon as the dough level rises by at least 2 cm, put the two molds in the oven. Reduce the output to 210 ° C and bake a total of 60 minutes. Put the finished bread out of the molds on the cooling grid, cover with a cloth and moisten with water. Thanks to this cooling under the dewy cloth you will not create such a too strong and hard crust, but it will be excellent. Do not worry, the crust will still be crunchy.