Cookette Kitchenette - Year in the kitchen
23. September 2014

It seems almost unbelievable that she is here! I would love to share the emotions I have about this event. It's really a little like when a new life is born. You will go through pregnancy from a woman's or a man's perspective, then long preparations, work and preparations, expectations, and ultimately birth pain, culminating in something beautiful. It's exactly the year and the day that my younger son, Ruben, was born, and I go through similar emotions again with a beautiful autumn.
I have to thank all of you for your support, without which this, I think beautiful book, could not arise. I'm so filled with gratitude that it could be done and a book full of fragments of my family tradition, the ubiquitous fingerprints of my little children that I inevitably imprinted on the pages and certainly the many positive energies that surround me when I do all the things that I enjoy.
Thank you to those who worked with me at the cook. Martin ( Martin T. Pecina ) too much for having inspired her spark, based on years of experience with writing, paper, binding, .... We chose beautiful natural munken paper, solid boards, rounded back, stitching, and two thick fabric pads.
Well, I do not think there's a need to take a deep look at what it is, at least not for those of you who know your blog. At the KITCHENETTESHOP store you will find a press release that easily describes the book's content. It is already highlighted by the name that it is a cross section of the seasons in my presentation. Each recipe is complemented with a photo, some with workflows.
If you are interested, here you can read why I decided to publish the book at my own expense and why I opened a kitchenetteshop in which you can buy the book and certainly more.