In some recipes, it's easy to replace refined sugar and somewhere it's going to make a whole recipe. I say that around the Christmas holidays we generally consume sugar up to. Here is a great way to replace sugar in the cream at a date. So in recipe, as a bonus, you will find instructions for both variants.
The recipe is on two sheets of glued trees.
Sesame seedlings
19. December 2018

I know, in 5 minutes 12, but I did not get it before. But when I look at the last posts, this holiday season is totally shining this year.
This is a candy for sesame lovers! I think if you stink these pots, you can boast of sugar that will be really original and a little maybe oriental.
I used a deliberately black sesame, because I like kneading the dough and cream in dark gray, but if you prefer to make light candy or you can not get black sesame, use that white, commonly available.

Mix all the ingredients on a dough and use a robot or manually make everything in a compact mass. Pack it in the foil and let it rest for at least an hour or even the next day.
Meanwhile, prepare a pudding, but use only half the amount of milk on the wrapping instructions and skip the sugar. Leave the pudding to cool.
Preheat the oven to a 160 ° C program for hot air and prepare the sheets with the baking paper. Dough on a lightweight roll on a sheet of about 3-4 mm thick and cut the desired shapes. Bake for about 20 minutes.
Put the cream butter, vanilla, ground sesame seeds into the mixing bowl of the robot and mix well to make the butter feel fluffy. Now add sugar or for a healthier version of the blended date. Gradually add the cold custard to the mixer. (Mix it in a blender and add a cold pudding to it. Mix it better and avoid bacon that could make a pudding.)
Once the trees cool down, you can start filling them with a cream. I like to use a confectionery bag, but you can go after the star and brush the knife.
Prepare the icing. In the water bath slowly dissolve the chocolate with the butter. Stir, allow to cool briefly to almost the body temperature and peel the confection with the cream. You can, of course, drank whole sugar. But I thought it would be nice to make sprigs and sprinkle them with seeds because then these chocolates or chocolate splatters resemble Christmas decorative chains. Allow the icing to cool and then put the candy in a cool place.